

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Word Wednesdays >> Vocab Learned Thus Far

Here is some fun and useful vocabulary I've learned through communication with my French family!

l'assurance maladie- health insurance

une boite manuelle (short for: la voiture à boite manuelle)- stick-shift car

le bord du lac- lake shore ("le bord" can also mean edge/side/rim with objects and places)

le bricolage- DIY

chanceux- lucky

un chariot- cart (can be used for wagon/carriage/cart, but in my case it is used for a baggage cart!)

coucou- (slang, exc.) hello! woo! "coucou me voici": peek-a-boo! (The mother of my French family used "coucou" as a greeting in an email, like "bonjour/salut".)

coulissant- sliding (for doors in my case= les portes coulissantes)

les feux d'artifice- fireworks

Je meurs d'impatience!- I can't wait! (Literally, I'm dying of impatience)

miam-miam!- yum yum!

ravi- delighted

le sable- sand

secourable- helpful

youpi! - yippee!

And I'm going to have to study driving vocab since I arrive Monday evening and I have my lesson in driving the standard car that I'll have the next day at 2:30... Yikes. :)

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