

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Friday/Saturday Round-Up

I got so busy this week that I ran out of time for my Friday Round-Up! Here it is, a day late:) My apologies! This week marks the starting-to-freak-out-about-finals-coming-up time. Can't wait til it's all over a month from now!

This week on Andrea's blog, I wrote a response to her piece on mandatory study abroad for universities, mine being a bit more hopeful for this type of program.

So, Alphorn's are a famous trumpet-like horn from Switzerland, which are played at a lot of Swiss festivals, usually by older men. At a traditional Swiss restaurant last Friday night, a man played for several minutes and then let people try it out. It's surprisingly hard! I kept in mind I few things I knew about brass players, like licking your lips, tucking in your lips, and blowing hard from your gut, and I did pretty well! I even managed to play different tones by changing the air speed. Check out the wikipedia page for more pics and info on this sweet horn.

One day I was counting the cats and I absent-mindedly counted myself. 

Bobbie Ann Mason

Feeling a little crazy these days:)

Inferno: The World at War, 1939-1945Conversations sur la langue française

Inferno- I only have about one hour of listening left with this one. It has definitely been interesting, but I guarantee that I won't retain more than about 20% of it, and maybe not even that. It was just so heavy with detail-specific accounts on various battles and comments on politics that it was putting me to sleep most of the time. I'm really interested in nonfiction, but this one just couldn't keep my attention. However, the information I heard when it sounded interesting has helped some of my understanding, not only about World War II, but war in general.

Conversations- It's going to be a goal this weekend to polish this one off, as I'm 2/3 of the way through. It's not interesting enough for me to be super motivated to sit down and read, but is teaching me enough that when I do, I'm not bored. The "teacher" speaker is definitely a know-it-all scholar, but he teaches some good lessons nonetheless.

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